Thursday, February 21, 2008

God is Still God!

When the answer is NO...........

Sometimes I'm finding the answer has to be No.....for me probably the most difficult answer to give someone, especially when their desperate for you to have a solution to their problem. I am reminded daily that God is God and I am only man....and God IS still God , even when the answer is No...and even when everything in me wants the answer to be YES....even when it seems, impossible to say NO. He is still God......................

This week I found myself lying awake at 3 am, thinking about and seeing the faces of those that I had to say NO to. A little girl, 9 years old, who has no one to care for her while her Mom's in the hospital. A teen Mom, with a 14 month old, who is homeless with no family and for 3 weeks now, the answer has been NO. I just don't seem to have the right answer....or should I say the answer that I would prefer. What I find myself asking is, do I really believe that God is big enough for these people? do I trust him enough to care for them? am I in tune with him enough, that I give the right answer? All I know for certain is that Yes!!! God is still God and he loves these people even more than I do(which is a whole lot!!!) and Yes he is BIG enough to meet them right where they are at , even if it's not my way, I know His is best.......and am learning to trust him with evey decision, every minute of the day.....

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